Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our Funny Girl


Audrey has never appreciated the concept of “less is more." So whether it’s her or her horse, the more accessories, the better!

Time is passing so fast these days.  It’s hard to believe Audrey is going to be 4 in December!  Every now and then I miss her being a baby so much, but at the same time, she more fun and loveable everyday.  Lately she does and says some of the funniest, cutest, craziest things!

Here are a few examples from the mind and mouth of Audrey Arie:

I overhear her talking to Sunnie and Hope and she says “my dad is allergic to cats, but when he dies, we’re getting a kitty.”

A conversation with my mom:  “Becky, there is a female behind you!”  Mom: “What are talking about, Audrey?”Audrey: “ A female, look!” (Mom turns around and it’s a windmill).

“Momma,  I want to be a killer whale when I grow up instead of a princess or a mermaid or a muskateer.”

“Momma, when can grow up and be a horse that pulls a pink carriage? I’m tired of waiting!”

While sitting on the potty, she moves and almost falls in and says: “Oh my goodness, I like actually practically fell in the potty.” (Especially cute because she doesn’t quite have the “r” sound yet).

“Mom, Taylor and Vanessa are mad at me, they aren’t being nice.” (Funny, because Taylor and Vanessa are Audrey’s imaginary friends.  All they ever do is argue.  I’m trying to convince her to  ditch them and get some new, more cooperative imaginary friends)!

My little one is such a fun, sweet girl!  I love her to pieces!!!!!

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